
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chicken Piccata

I love lemons! I love chicken! I love capers! So it seems only fitting that Chicken Piccata would be one of my absolute favorite meals of all time and the perfect meal to celebrate with the Hubs tonight. He proposed 10 years ago today. It really is a great story...

We were living in California and my family is all in Utah. We had driven all night to get into town early enough to get some things done. We were only in town for a weekend after all. My mom suggested we meet my dad for lunch near the job site he was at. So, we headed out... I hadn't showered that day, I was wearing my "comfy, traveling clothes" and just felt icky. I also had a headache from not enough sleep. I unwillingly joined in the fun. During lunch the Hubs, stammering over his words, asked my dad if he could marry me. I had no idea he was going to ask him then, especially while I was sitting there with them... Really took me by surprise. Of course my dad said yes... I think he was just waiting to get rid of me ;). We finished lunch and went back to my parents house so I could shower and nap... or so I thought.

Immediately after arriving at my parents house the Hubs asked me to go for a ride with him. He wanted to take a drive on the mountain. Well, he is a California boy, not used to February in Utah. There was snow, lots of snow... We borrowed my dad's truck (we'd need the 4 wheel drive) and my mom threw a couple Tylenol at me, told me to suck it up and go along. Realizing I didn't have a choice, I reluctantly got into the truck. As we were leaving my mom told the Hubs, "DO NOT GO OFF OF THE ROAD. YOU WILL GET STUCK!"

After driving for less than 5 miles, Hubs decided to pull off the road.... (HA HA HA... didn't listen to his future Mother in Law) and we were stuck. I sat in the truck and watched as he got the shovel, and tried to dig us out. To be honest, I was laughing to myself. About 15 minutes had passed and we were still stuck, so Hubs decided he wanted to take a picture of the two of us to remember this predicament. He set up the tripod and got the camera ready. Just as the camera was ready to click, he dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring box. I was shocked! And he caught it on film for us to remember always... Hubs, exhausted and sweaty, and myself feeling pretty grungy. But we will never forget this proposal! Of course I said yes :) And here we are 10 years later, still happy together and better people... Quite a few pounds lighter as well :). (The picture will be after the recipe :))

Now on to the recipe

Chicken Piccata
serves 4
4 chicken cutlets, or 2 chicken breasts pounded thin and cut in half.
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper
1 tbsp olive oil
3/4 cup chicken broth, divided
1 tbsp garlic, minced
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp capers, drained
2 tbsp butter
fresh lemon slices

Combine the flour, salt and pepper.  Lightly coat each piece with the seasoned flour and set aside.  Heat oil in a saute pan over med-high heat.

Cook the chicken 2-3 min non one side, flip over and cook for 1-2 min with pan covered.  Transfer to a warm plate and drain any excess oil from pan.

De glaze pan with 1/4 cup chicken broth and add minced garlic.  Cook until garlic is slightly browned and liquid is mostly gone, about 2 min.

Add broth, lemon juice, capers, and butter.  Stir until butter is melted, and add lemon slices.

Return the chicken to the pan, and turn once covering in sauce.

Drizzle sauce over the chicken and serve with angel hair pasta.

Thanks for sticking it out with me Hubs!  Glad you liked your "Anniversary" dinner :)

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